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Adventure to Frankfurt

General / 13 September 2018


To kick things off on this blog I thought I would share some parts of my vacation trip to Frankfurt, Germany.
One thing that I always do when I travel to new places is to grab my camera, and go out taking pictures.
Im doing this to build a library of references for myself and others. And for me these new places are filled with new things that I often not see at home in Sweden. Sidewalks look different, different vegetation, its a whole new world to learn and study just by traveling across some country borders and as environment artists I think we all get a bit exited when we see those new cool looking places.
Now I said I'm doing this "to build a library of references for myself and others" and I mean that! Thats why I'm also sharing reference packages with you which I have made them available in my Artstation Store. All images I'm using in this blogpost are part of these reference packs.

Before getting into it I would like to share my photo section where I keep some of the photos I've taken during my previous travels.

Königstein Castle

As the history nerd that I am I felt that I just couldn't miss out on an opportunity like this so the first place I decided to visit was Königstein Caste. A castle with its parts dating back to the 1000-1100s. It had then been upgraded and expanded upon all the way to the 1600s.
Today the remenants of it stands as a huge ruin on top of a hill overlooking the entire surrounding area. The only road leading up to it spiraling around the hill making you really feel the intimidating walls as you come closer and closer, properly showing what an uphill battle it would have been trying to attack this place.

Frankfurt City

Now the next and perhaps most apparent place I took a walk to/through was central Frankfurt. And the first place I went to was Römerberg, which is the old part of Frankfurt. Although it was completely destroyed during world war 2, a lot of effort has been put into rebuilding a portion of it according to original plans and designs. Walking around there its feels a bit strange to see buildings looking that old in design, but made with completely fresh materials, no flaking paint, no broken rooftiles, not even a speck of moss on them.

Being in central Frankfurt there was of course not only old buildings. Most of it is more modern buildings with wide sidewalks, stickers on the lightposts and sometimes roaming skyscrapers. As I grew up in a quite small town cities this big has some really interesting things that I'm not that used to seeing. The big thing would be the height of buildings of course, but also smaller things like the fact that sidewalks are much larger and the junk and dirt that ends up on electrical cabinets and light posts over time. I also walked by the building that was said to be the last standing piece of building from world war 2 that hadn't been rebuilt or removed. 

Botanical Gardens - Palmengarten

As an environment artist I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to check the botanical gardens out, and oh boy, I was not disappointed! The place had plants from all over the world sorted into different areas of jungle and palmtrees, arid rocky areas, bamboo forest and cactus gardens. It felt like I had found a goldmine as this was so much new things that I wouldn't be able to see at home.

Now you might think that yeah but you can just google pictures of palmtrees and cacti but I would say that there is something you are missing out on then not seeing things in person.
You get such a different experience by seeing something in person, you input the image of something directly, unprocessed into your visual library alopng with the smell, the feeling of the weather around the place, the sound of all those cars driving around while someone is also tearing down a building down the road. So go out there and see the world!

A final reminder that all these images are available in my Artstation store as part of much larger reference packs.

If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to let me know! <3
Hope you enjoyed and talk to you later!